Be our guest!
Magdalen's Kitchen serves a sit-down hot meal in a friendly environment EVERY MONDAY at 6pm in the Community Room.
If you are physically, socially, or spiritually hungry, be our guests. If you would like more information contact the parish office: (810) 229-8624.
We need volunteers!
Please prayerfully consider helping as kitchen help, serving, or meal delivery.
Please contact Marsha McBride or Dave Rychlick for more information.
Marsha McBride: (248) 561-1462 [email protected]
Dave Rychlick: (248) 921-6568 [email protected]
To sign up to provide desserts:
Please note that due to the rules of the Diocese of Lansing, “Protecting God’s Children,” minors under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent.