"God nurtures this vision through individual and communal prayer. In prayer we abide in God, freely opening ourselves to listen and respond to our Lord's gracious will. The Eucharist is our fullest prayer in which Christ's faithful love makes us one. By the Eucharist, the power of Christ's sacrificial love transforms us into His real presence in the world. We celebrate this joyous belief with uplifting liturgies that transform our daily lives." Vision of St. Mary Magdalen
The role of the Minister of the Altar is to serve the Assembly by helping the presider during the Liturgy. They help prepare the server table and light the candles before the Liturgy and assist the presider during the Liturgy. Servers arrive 20 minutes beforehand and remain a few minutes after the Liturgy to help clean up. Those who choose this ministry must be responsible people of faith who have made their First Communion, Penance, are in the 5th grade or older. Adults and parent/child teams are welcome to be a part of this ministry.
"God nurtures this vision through individual and communal prayer. In prayer we abide in God, freely opening ourselves to listen and respond to our Lord's gracious will. The Eucharist is our fullest prayer in which Christ's faithful love makes us one. By the Eucharist, the power of Christ's sacrificial love transforms us into His real presence in the world. We celebrate this joyous belief with uplifting liturgies that transform our daily lives." Vision of St. Mary Magdalen
The role of the Minister of the Eucharist or Holy Communion is to serve the Assembly, the Body of Christ. That means that we serve both the people of God - the Body of Christ, as well as to distribute the Eucharist to them. Ministers of the Eucharist need to arrive 20 - 30 minutes before the Liturgy to assure that the bread, wine, water and vessels are ready. They then welcome the people of God, the Body of Christ as they enter. After the Liturgy they are responsible for washing all the vessels and returning them to wherever they will be needed. Those who choose this ministry must be responsible people of faith and of service to others who are Confirmed in the Catholic Church and registered in the parish.
"God nurtures this vision through individual and communal prayer. In prayer we abide in God, freely opening ourselves to listen and respond to our Lord's gracious will. The Eucharist is our fullest prayer in which Christ's faithful love makes us one. By the Eucharist, the power of Christ's sacrificial love transforms us into His real presence in the world. We celebrate this joyous belief with uplifting liturgies that transform our daily lives." Vision of St. Mary Magdalen
The role of hospitality is to serve as the hosts/hostesses of our parish family as it assembles for the Liturgy. They greet and welcome and assist people, they help people to find proper seating, they gather the gifts of the assembly and they assist people as they leave. Ministers of Hospitality need to arrive 30 minutes before the Liturgy to make sure that everything needed is set up and ready. After the Liturgy they need to remain to assure that all is in order. Those who choose this ministry may be families, couples or individuals who are responsible, reliable and friendly and registered members of the parish.
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"God nurtures this vision through individual and communal prayer. In prayer we abide in God, freely opening ourselves to listen and respond to our Lord's gracious will. The Eucharist is our fullest prayer in which Christ's faithful love makes us one. By the Eucharist, the power of Christ's sacrificial love transforms us into His real presence in the world. We celebrate this joyous belief with uplifting liturgies that transform our daily lives." Vision of St. Mary Magdalen.
The role of the Minister of the Word is to serve the Assembly by bringing the Word of God to life. Since the Assembly does not have the readings, it all the more important that the minister is well prepared and lively in their proclamation. Ministers of the Word need to arrive 20 minutes before the Liturgy in order to familiarize themselves with the readings as they appear in the Lectionary and prepare for the introduction and General Intercessions.
Volunteers for this ministry must be responsible people of faith who love the Word of God. They must also be Confirmed in the Catholic Church and registered in the parish.
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"God nurtures this vision through individual and communal prayer. In prayer we abide in God, freely opening ourselves to listen and respond to our Lord's gracious will. The Eucharist is our fullest prayer in which Christ's faithful love makes us one. By the Eucharist, the power of Christ's sacrificial love transforms us into His real presence in the world. We celebrate this joyous belief with uplifting liturgies that transform our daily lives." Vision of St. Mary Magdalen
Our Liturgies are prayer, some spoken and some sung. The Liturgical Singers and Musicians lead the assembly in the sung prayer of the Liturgy. Our Liturgical Singers and Musicians meet weekly for rehearsal. Those who choose this ministry make a one year commitment.
Singers and musicians are invited to be a part of this special Liturgical ministry. They provide the consolation of musical prayer at funeral Liturgies. If you choose this ministry you need to be available to serve on weekdays, when most funerals occur.
Music Director
(810) 923-8059
Our video system is used to record Baptisms during the Sunday Liturgy. Confirmations, the reception of First Eucharist, Weddings and other special Liturgies may be recorded as well for distribution on DVD. Those who sign up for this ministry run the video system during these special Liturgies. Members who volunteer for this ministry are asked to make a commitment for one year.
Welcome Desk Ministers are stationed in the Gathering Area at the Welcome Desk for 15 minutes before and after the weekend Liturgies. They answer the inquiries of visitors and guests to our community and provide them informational material. The Welcome Desk Minister can be one of the Liturgical Ministers for that Liturgy or someone who serves only in this special role. Those who choose this ministry make a one year commitment.
Leaders will minister to families when they have lost a loved one, by leading the Vigil (wake) service the evening before a funeral takes place. This ministry requires that you be comfortable leading people in prayer, reading in front of others, empathy, and compassion. A training and shadowing experience would take place prior to putting anyone into a regular schedule.