Over the last six months, we have been organizing a new Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul here at St. Mary Magdalen. During this time, we have been very busy recruiting new members, training them, selecting officers, and establishing the bank accounts and bookkeeping necessary to make St. Vincent de Paul a reality in our parish.
We’re happy to announce that our Conference is now organized and open to serve our neighbors in need! The 10 members of the Conference will be working diligently to meet the needs of the poor in our community.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be funded from the money donated in our parish Alms box. You can also support St. Vincent de Paul directly with your donations. As St. Vincent de Paul has no paid employees, and as volunteers donate their time, gas mileage, and materials to the effort, virtually every dollar given to St. Vincent de Paul helps someone in need.
Our St. Vincent de Paul help line is 810-202-2243. Persons who need assistance can leave a message at this number and a member of the St. Vincent de Paul team will return the call in a timely manner.
Please join us in praying God’s help and guidance for our new Conference!