We have Adoration every Thursday afternoon from 4pm to 6:45pm. Please come and pray with the Lord! Many find it helpful to set aside 1 hour to pray during this period.
What is a Holy Hour?
The inspiration for a Holy Hour comes from Matthew 26:40. Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane right before he is to be betrayed. He goes off to pray and returns to find the disciples asleep. He asks Peter, “So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?” A Holy Hour is our way of spending time with Jesus, being in church while the Eucharist is exposed on the altar in the monstrance.
What do we do for that hour?
It is one hour of contemplative prayer, where you may begin and end with your own words but you spend most of the time in silent reflection/meditation on the mysteries of the Lord. The point of the Holy Hour is that our relationship with God involves two-way communication. There are many ways to spend that hour: spiritual reading, lectio divina, silent prayer, meditation, the Rosary, journaling, and more.
It’s about being with our Lord Jesus. Lingering in His presence, resting in His embrace, sitting at His feet, and allowing the waves of His love to roll over you like the ocean. Place yourself in His love, seek His face, share your heart, and let Him love you.
Useful “How-To” Links:
SPARK Series Video on Adoration:Gregorian Institute PDF on How to Spend a Holy Hour: How_to_Pray_a_Holy_Hour.pdf (thegregorian.com)
How to make a Good Holy Hour.pdf (files.ecatholic.com)
Craving Graces: What to Do in Your Next Holy Hour: 18 In-Depth Ideas for Eucharist Adoration (cravinggraces.com)
Word on Fire: How to Make a Holy Hour - Word on Fire
Blessed is She: How to Make a Holy Hour: Tips + Resources | Blessed is She
Letters to Women Podcast: The Everyday Catholic's Guide to Eucharistic Adoration — Letters to Women (letterstowomenpodcast.com)
Eucharistic Adoration from USCCB.org: Eucharistic Devotion | USCCB